Making Restorative Justice Accessible

Posted on: 26th, February 2024

It’s important that accessibility restrictions don’t impact anyone’s ability to participate in Restorative Justice. There are a number of steps we take to make sure that our Restorative Justice service is accessible to those who need it. 

From the outset, we ask all participants if there is anything that we need to be aware of that might affect their ability to participate in Restorative Justice. This can bring up a range of factors, from parents who need to fit Restorative Justice appointments around the school run, to health or accessibility issues. In one case, a victim took medication that made her tired in the mornings, so we agreed to arrange all appointments for the afternoon. Small things like that meant she was able to engage in the way she wanted and get more out of the process. 

By simply asking what would make Restorative Justice more accessible and comfortable for participants, we’re able to make the process run more smoothly. Participants will tell us the best methods of communication; in the case of one Deaf participant, email was preferred and a sign language interpreter was required during the meeting, so we were able to work these accommodations into the process. When working with an individual with sight loss, they directed that they were able to send and receive emails with the use of assistive technology, but that we would need to be considerate of the format we sent attachments in. 

In cases where there’s a mobility issue, we make sure that any meeting rooms are accessible, as well as offering the option of an online meeting if that’s preferred. Working with partners, such as the staff at the meeting location, we’re able to offer a ‘walk-through’ for in-person meetings to identify personal mobility aids that will help the meeting run more smoothly on the day. As with all Restorative Justice cases, we ask participants if they would like someone to support them as they go through the process.

By thinking about accessibility at the beginning of the Restorative Justice process, and asking the participants what they need, we’re able to offer our service to those who need it. 

If you think Restorative Justice is right for you, please get in touch. 

Talk to our Restorative Justice service team in confidence

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Or call us on 0800 783 1550

Case Studies

A burglary case in West Yorkshire

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A Domestic Argument

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A Non-Recent Child Sexual Abuse Case

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A Serious Assault Case

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A Sexual Abuse Case

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A Street Robbery

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A Traffic Offence Case

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Assault on a Police Officer in West Yorkshire

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Conditional Cautions and Restorative Justice

One evening in December 2023, Brad was driving along a motorway when a car indicated to join the carriageway from a slip road, causing him to swerv...

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Death By Dangerous Driving

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Death by Dangerous Driving: Tara & Oliver

Tara was referred to the Restorative Justice team in West Yorkshire. Her brother, Thomas, had been killed three years previously by Oliver, who had...

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Hate Crime Awareness Course

Amiya was allocated as the Case Manager for Warren. Warren had a history of racial and religiously aggravated harassment towards a variety of peopl...

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Lydia's Story: Sexual Assault

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Street Robbery

Ellis was a long term substance user, who was encouraged by an acquaintance – Mikel - to grab the handbag of a woman they saw in passing.  A...

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Street Robbery

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What People Say About Restorative Justice

The restorative justice process has made me really think about the consequences of my actions.

John, offender

Restorative Justice has really helped. It has given me closure, and I feel much more positive.

Lucy, burglary victim

Now we can get on with our lives without the burden of what happened grinding us down.

Abuse victim

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